Attention Registered Dietitians Who Want To Connect
Their Formal Education Into Real-World Application With Nutrition Coaching

The Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Certification will provide everything you need to successfully coach clients in one complete and proven system.

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Check out what everyone has to say about the Dietitian Nutrition Certification Course!

The BRAND NEW Dietitian Coaching Certification was Designed to Help Dietitians Like You:

Connect your esoteric nutrition science knowledge to the art and practice of successfully coaching clients.

Put theory and your formal education into practice and real-world application.

Create real-world success and transformation with clients instead of just throwing information and education at them.

Develop a personalized and enjoyable experience for each client via a remote coaching relationship.

Paint yourself as the nutrition expert over the Instagram gurus, nutritionists, and unqualified practitioners.

Develop the anatomy and systems for a successful nutrition coaching program.

Bridge the gap from clinical counseling to nutrition coaching to set clients up for success and achievement of their goals.

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How can the Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Certification help you?

Stop right now and imagine for a moment how amazing it would feel to have complete confidence in your ability with nutrition coaching…to finally feel competent in connecting what you learned in school to the real-world application of nutrition coaching…and to feel enabled to coach anyone to achieve their nutrition and fitness goals.

That’s what these systems in the Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Level 1 Certification have done for thousands of clients – and you can be next.

This certification is rooted in application. It’s a real-world tested and proven coaching system that teaches you and enables you to know what to do at every stage of the coaching process with a client. I’ll walk you through what to do in your very first coaching interaction with a client, all the way until they reach their goals and graduate from your program.

Even better – you’ll never feel confused about what to do with your clients ever again. With this certification you’ll learn how to bridge the gap from what you were taught in college and your dietetic internship and discover how to coach your clients to inspiring transformations. You will become an agent of change for your clients and receive more fulfillment than you ever could in your clinical job!

Nutrition Coaching
Nutrition Coaching
Nutrition Coaching
Nutrition Coaching

As Featured In

Where Else Can You Learn a Proven Way to Coach as a Dietitian?


More letters after your name?

Do you really want to spend more years and tens of thousands more dollars for formal education without learning the real-world application? Truth is, as a Registered Dietitian you already have more formal education than the majority of other professionals trying to do nutrition coaching. Where our formal education failed us is real-world application with our esoteric knowledge, and that’s exactly what this certification will do.

Plus, clients don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. More letters after your name does not yield more clients unless you can prove how you can impact their lives, and that’s exactly what we’ll teach you inside the certification.


Check the internet and social media?

Social media is a great tool, but do you really want to learn nutrition coaching from unqualified sources? The internet is full of opinions, not facts. Most dietitians leave social media and their google searches more confused than ever when trying to discover the anatomy of a successful nutrition coaching program.


Figure it out on your own?

Listen, as dietitians we just aren’t taught what it takes to succeed with coaching. By trying to figure things out on your own you’re going to make mistakes that could’ve been easily avoided. These mistakes can be very costly! Wasting time and increased frustrations from lack of progress. Clients getting upset from not seeing results and leaving. Your name and reputation is on the line with every client interaction. Do you really want to guess when it comes to delivering results for them? Or, do you want to invest in a proven blueprint to follow that’s delivered results for 1000’s of nutrition coaching clients?


Hire a business coach?

Business coaches for dietitians are great, but fact is most of them aren’t RD’s, or have never built a real nutrition coaching business. I made my name in the coaching industry fist, before I ever began mentoring dietitians. In fact, I still coach clients to this day using the exact blueprint I’m going to give to you here. At the end of the day, do you want to invest in someone who’s talking the talk, or someone who has and still does, walk the walk?

How the Program Works

Once you register you can start right away with the learning modules and begin immediately applying what you’ve learned into real-world application. Our goal is to get you certified and creating impact within 45 days. One of the amazing bonuses is having access to our Private Facebook Group where we will be providing coaching and support to help you break down and digest the modules. Each week your goal is to work on and complete 2 modules. By the end of 6 weeks, you’re done, certified, confident and enabled to create real-world impact for your clients.

Real-World Application on Proven Systems That Work

These modules were designed to give you, the RD, everything you need to create real-world impact. This is not a lecture in food science or biochemistry, you already know all of that. This is giving you the tools and information you need to bridge the gap from your formal education, to creating the anatomy of a successful nutrition coaching program.


1. Mindset Shift: Taking the Frame of a Successful & Confident Dietitian Nutrition Coach

Have you ever found yourself wondering “can I actually do this?” when it comes to creating success for nutrition coaching. Well, you’re not alone. Most people struggle because their mindset isn’t aligned for success. Tactics don’t work if you don’t believe in your ability to create success. And the good news is, this doesn’t take years of experience to accomplish, just understanding. In this module we will deep dive into making that shift so all of the application I’m going to teach you can be applied for success. You are going to take the frame of a successful Dietitian Nutrition Coach.

2. Who is Your Ideal Client?

Have you found yourself wondering exactly who your nutrition coaching program should serve? If you try to create a nutrition coaching program to serve everyone, you will fail. This module will deep dive and discover who it is you want to serve and how we can build a nutrition coaching program to serve them that will produce amazing results for them, and fulfillment for you. Even if you know your ideal client, I’m going to force you to go into a much deeper level of understanding so we can enter the conversation your client is having inside their own mind, so you can best help them achieve their goals and dreams.

3. Clinical Dietetics vs Dietitian Coaching: Switching from Practitioner to Successful Dietitian Nutrition Coach

Sick and tired of giving 15 minute diet educations or one and done meal plans because you know your clients need on-going support and coaching? The majority of what you were taught to do in a clinical acute care setting is the opposite of what we do as Dietitian Nutrition Coaches. This module is all about bridging the gap and help you go from just throwing education at a patient’s bedside, to translating your knowledge as an RD into real-world application for your clients and coaching them for months and even years!

While this certification was specifically built for Registered Dietitians, if you have a formal education in nutrition, exercise science, nutrition science, dietetics, or related health field like nursing and you’re interested in nutrition coaching this certification will still provide plenty of value for you.

4. Building Compliance by Speaking in Your Client's Language

Every single human learns differently and has a different learning language. This module will deep dive into how you can assess, identify, understand, and then speak in your client’s learning language to develop the best outcomes and compliance humanly possible. We will go over why clients fail with nutrition protocols and diets, so you can create long lasting change. Key communication concepts discussed will include: identifying how to coach a client where they’re at, what our clients MAP is, how to frame, lead, anchor, reframe, mirror, and future pace the conversation to build trust and rapport. Not only will you learn how to achieve buy in from your coaching client, this module will improve your communication skills in every area of your life.

5. Creating the Initial Nutrition Coaching Assessment

Every single successful nutrition coaching program begins with a detailed initial assessment. Note: This is NOT a clinical assessment form. This module will teach you exactly what to include, and what not to include, how to read and evaluate an initial assessment, what the low hanging fruit method is and why it works so well so you can set your clients up for success. Key concepts discussed will be: anthropometric assessments, nutritional intake, physiological feedback, non-negotiable when it comes to foods, past successes/failures with coaching programs, identification of learning style, and how to induce habit change with an 85% or better success rate. I literally give you the step by step blueprint of how to create an initial assessment form that will lead to success in your coaching program.

6. The Anatomy of a Successful Nutrition Coaching Program

This module will give you the step by step process for building successful nutrition coaching. Now we get to deep dive into the science and art of nutrition coaching and how to create protocols that will deliver results. We start off with habit based change and behavioral based coaching. Then, I show you how to progress your nutrition program to macronutrient tracking and how to develop and create success with clients.

I walk you through a step by step process and client examples for real world application. I teach you exactly what your nutrition program must accomplish to achieve success and a transformation for your clients. I also walk you through how to discard the old mindset of “selling sessions” and how to switch to providing on-going nutrition coaching and support. This chapter concludes with case study examples that I walk you through and show you how to combine behavioral based coaching with macronutrient coaching, I show you how to break down a clients nutrition needs and explain the rationale behind everything so you have real world application to learn from, not just theory.

7. Developing the Systems for Success with Nutrition Coaching

Systems are required for a successful nutrition coaching program. You can provide the best coaching in the world, but if your back end systems and client management protocols are unorganized, you won’t build a successful nutrition coaching business. This module discusses important concepts such as how to build a community and team environment with your clients to increase results and retention, how to communicate with your clients outside of coaching sessions, how to organize and manage client data without expensive software or apps, and how to over-deliver on the experience your clients receive so they stay, pay, and refer. Nothing I teach you to use for systems in this module will cost you a dime either!

8. Check In Process & Structuring Coaching Calls

At this point you might be thinking: “This is great! But what do I do during the actual coaching session!” This module is about giving you the blueprint to create a successful coaching session. I’ll teach you what needs to happen BEFORE the coaching session to ensure success, how should you structure a coaching session, what needs to happen in a professional Dietitian/Client interaction, how do you develop trust and rapport with an online or remote coaching client, and how to structure the check in process between coaching sessions with your clients. I’ll teach you one of the biggest mistakes most Dietitians make with their coaching sessions and how you can avoid it. After this module you will be prepared and confident about your next coaching session with a client and you’ll know how to set them up for success without overwhelming them!

9. Reassessing Clients & Building the Road Map for Future Success

Most Dietitians struggle to retain clients for 30-60 days. In this module, I will give you the blueprint on how you can retain clients for months and even years through the reassessment process. I’ll discuss how to keep a client connected and engaged with your coaching program as you set new goals together. This module will walk you through the blueprint for how to sell the image of the future for your clients to get them to stay, pay, and refer others to you.

10. How to Set Non-Compliant & Difficult Coaching Clients Up For Success

Sooner or later you will encounter a difficult or challenging coaching client. This module is all about how to handle the different scenarios of clients you will face with confidence, professionalism, and poise. I also discuss the three types of clients you will be faced with, and I walk you through examples of how to effectively coach each client to success. This module concludes with case study examples for you to work through for real world application and subject mastery.

11. Professionalism with Nutrition Coaching & Staying in Your Scope

There are situations you will encounter as a Dietitian Nutrition Coach with clients that you will need to know your scope, and how to handle as a professional practitioner. This module will give you the confidence you need to handle any encounter you may face. Most new Dietitian Nutrition Coaches struggle with handling difficult situations that arise with coaching. After this module, you will know everything you need for any difficult situation you may face.

12. What to Do When a Client Reaches Their Goals

Soon enough a client will be ready to move on from your program. This module is all about how to ensure they really are ready, how to set them up for long term success on their own, and how to receive referrals from the clients’ lives you’ve transformed.

The Level 2 Dietitian Nutrition Certification Overview

Module 1. How To Know Exactly What Your Client Wants & Ensure You’re Delivering It.

Now that you’ve been coaching some clients and implementing what you were taught in L1, you might be wondering: “Am I really providing everything my clients need.” This module is designed to make sure you are asking the right questions, and deliver the best program possible for your clients so you will never doubt if your clients are receiving everything they need to succeed again.

Module 2. Become The Ultimate Coach.
Great coaching is not telling your clients what to do, instead it’s enabling them to know what to do on their own, without your guidance or assistance. This module is all about bridging the gap between educating a client, and putting them in the driver’s seat for their success so they will feel enabled and empowered in their journey. 
As an RD in our formal education you were taught knowledge is power, and to provide as much education as possible to your clients. You might feel this is helping the client by giving them everything they need to succeed. However, you are actually hurting them more than you know. This module is all about how to deliver the real world nutrition coaching application that sets your client up for success.
Module 3. Nutritional Periodization.
In nutrition coaching, we must approach our clients’ programs in a systematic, progressive, and regressive way. Meso-Cycles and Macro-Cycles and a periodizational approach to achieve a long term goal. It blows my mind when I see RD’s and nutrition professionals NOT periodizing their clients’ nutritional programs.

Just like a Personal Trainer would never have a client training at maximal intensity 365 days a year, you should not have a client in the same nutritional protocol (deficit, surplus, performance, etc) without understanding how to periodize your approach. This module is designed to give you the tools and real world application of how to create periodized nutrition protocols that will not only produce amazing results for your clients, this will be one of your best retention techniques in your coaching program.

Module 4. Clinical Connection: Calorie Deficits, Energy, Hormones, and Performance Coaching.
As an RD you already know the science of hormones and biochemistry, but how do we bridge the gap from our clinical experience in acute care, to applying this knowledge for our clients with performance, aesthetic, and lifestyle goals?
This module is about giving you a practical tool and helping you translate your clinical knowledge into real world application and results for your coaching clients. This module will provide an overview of hormone science, but it will also provide the real world application of how to use your esoteric knowledge to create effective nutrition protocols to help your clients.
This module will introduce the concept of Clinical Connection: Identifying lifestyle and dietary habits that could be the root cause of the issues, and working within the scope of an RD with nutrition, lifestyle, and exercise support to improve the client’s overall well being.
Module 5. Pre & Post Workout Nutrition.
One of the big feedback pieces from our L1 graduates is needing help and guidance with more advanced and customized nutrition protocol creation. The one question that always comes up is how to create proper pre and post-workout nutrition protocols to help clients fuel and perform their best for their nutrition and fitness goals.

The goal of this module is to give you, the professional Dietitian Nutrition Coach a framework to work inside to customize and tailor a specific protocol to a clients’ needs. This module will be broken down into defining the pre and post-workout environment, presenting the role of the macro nutrients, and then applying it into real world application for a coaching client.

Module 6. Stress Management For Clients.
When it comes to nutrition coaching, stress management and mitigation is one area that can not be overlooked. As we discussed in the L1 certification one of the first low hanging fruits you will implement with most clients will be something along the lines of stress management.
When a client is experiencing challenges with their health and nutrition goals due to increased stress in their life, if we only create coaching protocols that deal with their nutrition, it’s like addressing the smoke, not the actual flame.
This module will discuss a wide range of real world applications used to coach our clients around stress, identify stress causes, and find ways to reduce or mitigate stress in our clients’ lives. The goal is to help reduce the stress to increase the quality of life and increase the likelihood of success inside of our nutrition coaching protocols.
Module 7. Mastering Motivation: Making Your Client The Hero.
The following modules in the Mindset & Coaching Psychology section will be as much about me coaching you to success, as much as you coaching your clients to success.

All coaching is, is just a transference of energy. The more you learn, grow, and develop, the more you can give to your clients. In order to lead thousands of clients in your coaching program, you must first master leading yourself.
By solving the problem for your clients, giving them the answers, or telling them exactly what to do and how to do it, you are robbing them of the journey required to be long term successful.

This module is designed to help you bridge the gap with the biggest challenge you will face is understanding you are not the star of the show. In clinical practice you had to fight to validate yourself as the expert. In coaching, you need to fight to validate your client as the expert, authority, and in-control of the situation.

Module 8. Self Image Psychology.
When it comes to creating nutrition coaching success, your self-image matters. Most clients fail not because they lack the talents or abilities to succeed, they fail because they never believed success was possible in the first place. Everything I teach you in the following modules will not only be used with clients, you will be able to use it with yourself as well.
Humans act in accordance with our beliefs and our self-image. Humans always act in accordance with what they imagine to be true about themself and their environment. If a client loses 100 lb externally, but still sees themselves as overweight, unhealthy, and unhappy as a self-image, they will act in accordance with their beliefs and self sabotage their success.

You cannot merely imagine a new self-image unless it’s based on truth. Use the key steps inside this module to create the reality and truth you desire.

Module 9. Resistance & Limiting Belief Destruction.
A need for anything will get in the way of everything. The more you obsess over the goal or outcome and tell yourself you MUST have it, you actually inhibit yourself from getting there. You start to create unnecessary pressures and anxieties, your natural talent and abilities become limited, and you move yourself further and further away from the outcome.

Most people become frustrated and end up giving up on their goals because they are aligning their definition of success and their happiness to things that are outside of their control.

This module is about giving you the tools and the application for you and your clients to focus solely on what is in your control. I’ll show you how you are MORE likely to achieve your desired outcomes when you release all attachment to it.

Module 10. Failure & Problem Solving.
This module is designed to turn failure into your ally for success. Your mind has the tactical advantage over you, it knows what you fear the most. You are built for survival and comfort. Understand that your anxiety and stress about failure is just anticipation of future pain coming from associating success with what you can’t control (outcomes).

No one is immune to negative emotions, feelings, and fear of failure. All change begins with awareness and acceptance. In this module we break down and understand what failure really is so you can be better prepared and equipped to coach clients during all of the stages of failure we outline.

Again, these are tools not only to help yourself overcome the perfectionist mindset with coaching, but tools you can also bring to your clients with their similar struggles in their own journey.

Module 11. Anchoring & Priming For Success.
Anchoring and Primacy are two powerful techniques used in NLP (neuro linguistics programming)  by top performing athletes, speakers, presidents, and professionals to immediately step into a state of abundance, power, and accomplishment at the drop of a dime. I am going to show you inside of this module how you can harness this power and tap into your peak performance abilities at any time you desire on command.

In this module you will learn the difference between someone who is massively successful, and someone who does not have very little to do with talent, abilities or skills. It is largely about how this person responds during difficult and adverse situations. This module is about giving you and your clients the tools and strategies to succeed, even during the most challenging times.

Module 12. Becoming An Elite Online Dietitian Nutrition Coach.

The fitness and nutrition coaching space is one of the most competitive and overly saturated industries in the economy today.

Every day more and more people see an opportunity to “get rich quick” by posting selfies on social media to hopefully attract a following and try to build a business. The competition and the “noise” of the industry is at an all time high, and I predict it’s only going to intensify in the years to come with no reprieve in sight.

Does that mean you have no chance to survive and thrive in this overly competitive space? Should you just throw in the towel now and never work towards your dreams and goals? The truth is, while the online fitness and nutrition coaching space is busy and noisy, it is NOT saturated with REAL professionals creating real world impact.

Enter YOU, the Master Dietitian Nutrition Coach.

This module is showing you the exact step by step formula of how to build your name, reputation, and legacy as a Master Dietitian Nutrition Coach. This is the exact battle tested blueprint I used to go from a $6 per session underpaid and frustrated personal trainer in Warren Michigan, to building a massively successful online nutrition coaching business and now mentoring hundreds of other professionals to do the same.

Module 13. Your New Opportunity As A Dietitian Entrepreneur.
At this point in your journey you’ve learned an immense amount about how to create real world success for your nutrition coaching clients.
I know at this point, for some of you the fire has now been ignited and you are searching for the next steps in order to turn nutrition coaching into your full time career.
While this is not a business coaching program like our RD Business Ignition and our 12 month mastermind, I want to start you on the right path to discovering what you truly want from a business in nutrition coaching.
From working with thousands of RD’s who have created success in their business, and started exactly where you are, I’ve discovered the first step to success in business is clarity. This module is designed to give you the clarity to what you actually want to achieve in a career and business of fulfilment to set you up for long term business success as a Master Dietitian Nutrition Coach.

As you can see the modules will give you literally every single step you need to become a confident and proficient Dietitian Nutrition Coach who will create real-world change for your clients. Everything taught here can be immediately applied into real-world application to increase your impact and income.

No useless theories.

No irrelevant information.

No fluff.

Just immediate impact and application.

Stay accountable and on-track with each module

Each module is built in synergy with the last. This is done to provide you with not only the information you need, but also help you apply it into immediate results and application. The information is presented in a way to be non-overwhelming for you. Each module ends with a quiz for you to complete to test your proficiency in what you’ve learned.

Case studies for real-world application.

This isn’t just theory. This isn’t just memorizing information and passing a test. This is about real-world impact for your clients.
Several of the modules have case studies on sample clients to help you immediately apply what you’ve learned and be prepared for the situations and scenarios you will see in the real world as a Dietitian Nutrition Coach.

Become Dietitian Nutrition Coach certified.

Once you have completed all modules, and passed all associated quizzes at the end of each module with an overall score of 85%, you will be successfully certified. You can now list yourself as a Certified Dietitian Nutrition Coach. You will receive a physical certification in the mail after successful completion.

Submit for CPE’s with the CDR.

Dietitian Nutrition Coaching certification is awarded 30 CPE’s with CDR. Once you’ve successfully completed the certification, we will send you the CDR CPE verification card for you to submit and receive your CPE’s.

Curious How This Program Can Help You?

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What Makes the Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Certification Different from Everything Else?

"I really wanted to create more impact in a way that I couldn't through my traditional 9 to 5 job. By choosing to invest in myself, I have been able to grow in the direction that I wanted to grow in as a dietitian. I was nervous to invest in the Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Certification at first, but as I kept going, I started gaining clients, and I saw how everything we learned really works!"

– Mary Cate Eklund, RD

"I reached out to Tony because I knew I needed that accountability and an example to go off of. Through the Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Certification, my fiance and I were able to build our business and establish that entrepreneurial mindset that we needed. If you're on the fence, reach out to someone who has gone through the programs, and they can speak to the power the programs have."

–Cruz Aleman, RD

"I knew I always wanted to go the entrepreneurial route at some point and the Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Certification helped me develop the entrepreneurial mindset that I needed in my business. If you're on the fence, just jump in and do it! It's highly worth it!"

– Morgan Muchez, RD

"I felt like I didn’t have consistency or systems in my nutrition practice and I felt like that’s why my clients weren’t staying around. When I joined the Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Certification I learned that clients didn’t just need nutrition, they need accountability and support with their pains and problems. I learned how to be the solution my clients were looking for, and this isn’t something you learn in school or a textbook."

– Danielle Rancourt, RD

"There were really big gaps in my coaching, and I didn’t feel fully confident in my process. After I became a student in the Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Certification I finally felt confident in my profession from finding a client, coaching a client, and all the way through graduating a client and even reassessing their goals for retention."

– Brooke West, RD
   North Carolina

"As a Registered Nurse and Personal Trainer I felt very drawn to helping people with their nutrition. The Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Certification gave me a lot of acknowledgment on improving my coaching and has completely equipped me to help my clients in ways that I could’ve never done on my own."

– Priscilla Barnes, RN

"After I joined the Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Certification I was able to sign on clients for a 6-month program as opposed to doing just one and done sessions and never talking to clients again. I learned how to work with a real client, it helped me really learn to change their life from the inside out."

– Tori Mincemeyer, RD

"When I joined the Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Certification I was still an intern, so to anyone else thinking about doing it just take that leap and join. I’m learning things I didn’t learn in school or my internship and am growing as a professional."

– Olivia Kitz, RD

"I didn’t have a clear direction on where to take a client for a successful coaching program. What I learned in school was very brief and didn’t teach me what to do with clients in the real world. The Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Certification really bridged that gap and actually gave me the confidence to work with a client."

– Shannon Barker, RD

"The Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Certification taught me to take imperfect action. This allowed me to see things from a different perspective. The things Tony talks about in the Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Certification really works and it helps you push forward for starting your own business."

– Thai Nguyen, RD

"When I signed up for the Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Certification I was unfulfilled in my outpatient RD job. I didn’t even know if I wanted to start my own business. After completing this certification I realized I could do things beyond whatever I thought I could do. This really expanded my mindset on what I could do in my career as an RD. This is a win win whether you want to use these skills in your current RD job, or for starting your own business."

– Taylor VanDyk, RD

"What Tony is doing in the Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Certification is definitely different than anything else in our industry. This was so different from what we learn in college or clinical. The Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Certification is very individualized for coaching a client. There’s a lot of certifications out there, but for those who are on the fence this is a proven system for RD’s."

– Chris Torres, RD

"I signed up for the Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Certification to create success for me in my business and also for my coaching clients. In clinical we’re taught to get in the room and get out in 20 minutes. In the certification, you get the steps to produce long-lasting results. I learned so much and how to relay that information to my clients."

– Carolyn Kelk, RD

ProgramCPE ApprovedFor RD's SpecificallyReal-World Application Not Theory BasedTime Required100% Online BasedCost
Masters Degree in Nutrition2-3 years$60,000+
Other Nutrition Certifications6+ months$1500-$3000
Clinical Experience1-3 yearsYears of Your Life
CPE’s Through CDR1 day - 1 year+$50-$5000

Expanding upon the masters degree comparison, more education does NOT equal more clients. Your clients don’t care about how many letters and degrees you have strung after your name. They care about what’s in it for them!

When it comes to other certifications, none of them were built specifically for RD’s. Why should you sit in a certification with “health coaches”, personal trainers, and those who don’t have the level of formal education and expertise you have?

You don’t need to learn nutrition science 101 like they do. And quite frankly, RD’s with formal education need to learn the real-world application of coaching that was missing in college. Not fundamental sciences and physiology!

You’re an RD! You need to connect your esoteric formal education into creating compliance, change, and success with your clients, and that’s the gap we fill in this certification.

They don’t care about how much you know, until they know how much you care. And this certification is designed to give you everything you need to create impact for less than 5% of what it costs for a useless masters degree! You’ll be empowered with the information to apply what you’ve learned to grow and monetize your business. Don’t be surprised if within the following six weeks after you’re certified, you made enough money through nutrition coaching to pay this off!


Bonus 1

RD Online Business Blueprint & Client Attraction Courses

I know once you become certified as a Dietitian Nutrition Coach you will be ready to create impact in this world. But, you’ll also need to know how to sell, market, and promote your services online. So I’ve included my two online courses to help you learn the business skills you need, in combination with the coaching skills for success.

These two courses will teach you:

  • How to close clients with confidence and ease.
  • How to price yourself and get what you’re worth as an RD.
  • How to handle any objections you may face when you’re selling your nutrition coaching services.
  • How to utilize social media such as Instagram and Facebook to attract floods of customers and leads into your program.

Valued – $997

You Pay – FREE!

Bonus 2

Business and Coaching Assessment Forms

If I sold this collection of resources separately, I could easily get more than $1200 for them, know why? Because I’ve spent over 11 years creating, refining, and compiling them. When my nutrition coaching suite was in full swing, my competitors would’ve given an arm and a leg for these.

Every single form on here is completely customizable for your specific needs, including the business name, header and footer! Don’t spend days trying to make your own form, and years trying to figure out what the formula for success is. Just model the blueprint I’m giving to you here.

Here’s just a shortlist of what you’ll get…

Medical Clearance Form

Letter of Agreement

Goal Worksheet

Physical Assessment

Food Journal Lifestyle

Physician Consent Form

Progress Notes

Client Checklist

Lead Sheet

Waiver and Release

Client Self-Assessment

Valued – $1,200

You Pay – FREE!

Bonus 3

LIFETIME Access to our Private Facebook Community

One of the worst things you can do is receive information but not have a place to receive coaching and help with the application.

So, for our students we will be placing everyone in a Facebook community for support and additional coaching. I will be doing bonus teachings in here, plus some of my top clients will be sharing their secrets to success for you to model. You will have lifetime access to this support community so you never feel helpless or alone during the process.

If you wanted to hire me for a 1 hour consult to “pick my brain”  it’s a $1500 investment. Being a student here, you can pick my brain for absolutely FREE and you get to be coached by me in a small group setting with your fellow Registered Dietitian Nutrition Coaches in a professional, safe, and supportive environment to help you apply what’s being taught in the certification.

Valued – $3,000

You Pay – FREE!

Bonus 4

Expert Coaching

In this bonus, I went to some of my top clients who are creating real-world impact through nutrition coaching and I asked them to divulge their “secrets to success” and how you can apply them in your business. I am literally letting you “pick the brain” of some of the top Dietitians and Nutrition Professionals in the online space. This is several hours of bonus footage that could literally be a course on its own!

Advanced lectures and topics include:

Keto and intermittent Fasting

Flexible Dieting

Weight Loss Nutrition

Intuitive Eating Nutrition Coaching

Reverse Dieting, Diet Breaks, & Re-Feed Day Strategies

How to Break a Fat Loss Plateau

The Psychology of Coaching a Client

Coaching a Client Beyond the Scale

Valued – $1,500

You Pay – FREE!


Get the brand new Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Certification for less than 10% of what it would cost you for a useless master’s degree.

After years of research, testing, and real-world success, the Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Certification is more valuable and real-world applicable than ever. This is information you won’t find anywhere else. Now you can get a full understanding of the science and application of nutrition coaching, increase your credentials, and finally achieve that feeling of confidence and assurance when it comes to coaching your clients.

At this time it’s available for the small investment of $1500 but due to demand, this is subject to change at any time. In order to see if you are a good fit for the Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Certification, fill out the short form below.

Our Success Manager will reach out to set up a 30-minute “Goal Setting Call” with you to discuss more about you and your goals, explain more about the Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Certification, and see if you’d be a good fit to join the hundreds of students who have already enrolled!

Curious how this program can help you achieve your goals?

Fill out this short form to schedule your FREE “Goal Setting” Call!

You will also receive a FREE training on How to Start Your Online Nutrition Coaching Business.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Certification for?

Registered Dietitians and health care professionals (personal trainers, nurses, physical therapists, nutrition coaches) who want to use their formal education as a nutrition expert to go beyond clinical, long term care, or food service dietetics and create real-world impact and change through the science of nutrition coaching. You do NOT have to be an RD to complete this certification and benefit.

I'm not an RD. — Can I still do this?


We’ve had RN’s, Nurse Practitioners, Physical Therapists, Personal Trainers, and Nutrition Coaches all complete and benefit from our certification.

Most people know RD’s are the nutrition experts – but other health care professionals need to be able to discuss nutrition with their clients. So you do not need to be an RD to benefit from this. Plus, this is NASM approved for CEU’s!

I'm busy! How long does it take to get certified?

You have a full year to complete the modules so there isn’t a rush, but we encourage you to work on 2 modules per week to be fully certified within 6 weeks. You will have access to coaching calls and support in the Facebook Group for 6 weeks after enrolling to ensure you are receiving all the support you need.

While this certification was specifically built for Registered Dietitians, if you have a formal education in nutrition, exercise science, nutrition science, dietetics, or related health field like nursing and you’re interested in nutrition coaching this certification will still provide plenty of value for you.

What are the quizzes like?

Each quiz after the module is designed to help you immediately apply what you’ve learned. You need to score 85% on each module to pass.

Is there a payment plan available?

Yes! We do offer a split payment plan of $850 for 2 flex payments

Is this available for CPE's through the Commission of Dietetic Registration?

Yes! After you successfully complete all modules and the quizzes associated we will send you the CDR card to complete for 60 CPE’s!

How long will I have access to the learning materials?

You will have access for one full year after your purchase date.

I do in-person coaching/counseling. — Does this certification still work for me?

I discuss a lot of online coaching systems in here but YES we have had RD’s have an in-person practice and utilize the Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Cert successfully! Whether you plan to coach in person, or remotely online, the tools and systems we provide in here will work in both. I did in-person coaching before I ever went online and this is where I developed a lot of these principles I teach inside the certification!

I do non-numbers focused/behavior-based coaching. — Will this work for me?

YES! The majority of the RD’s who go through our certification program are behavioral-based coaches – meaning they don’t focus on scale weight as the primary indicator of success with their clients, if at all! This certification is about the art and science of coaching and we have had ALL types of RD’s (IE, behavioral-based, macro coaches) go through this cert and benefit because the systems are needed regardless of what style of coaching you plan to provide.

I'm busy right now. Should I just wait for the next enrollment period?

No! Delaying is the easiest way to permanently put your dreams and goals on hold. At this time we plan on opening this certification NO more than 2-3 times per year and we prefer to keep our classes smaller to provide more intimate 1:1 attention to each student. Ask yourself, when will you NOT be busy? Plus, you have ONE full year access to complete the certification so there is no rush.

How is this different than the I Believe Mastermind program?

I could answer this one, but I’ll let current I Believe Mastermind clients and former Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Cert Students answer it for you:

Laura Gaston: They are so different!!! The cert is how to be a better coach, getting started with your coaching systems, and how to build out your client’s nutrition journey so they stay with you for months and achieve a transformation. This is key before you start to try to sell your coaching. For me personally, having this made me feel 100000 times more confident trying to attract clients. You want to have a solid product before you sell.

Kelsey Hojara: The certification gave me confidence in my coaching, while the mastermind is giving me confidence in running my business (client attraction, sales, etc)

Some of our most successful I Believe Mastermind clients started with the Certification. They are a total dichotomy! The Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Certification is to help you build out the systems and processes of your coaching program. The IBM then teaches you how to market, sell, grow, and scale your successful coaching business!

Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Certification™

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